August 05, 2009

Same As It Ever Was

I've been away for a while.

And I came back expecting to see my blog overflowing with comments, new followers, flowers and birthday cards. Hmm.

Perhaps I just haven't got this blog thing, yet? I mean, when I started, I experienced a trickle of visitors. Hey, one cool person even paid me the complement of taking part in my silly vote (whoever you are, thank you sincerly ;-)). But then I went away (because I've got a life) and return now as though I went through a time warp. Not one single visitor. Everything looks just as it did in April, just with a layer of pollen over it now.

Surely I don't have to start writing unwanted comments on other peoples blogs again, just to bribe them to visit mine? I don't want to write on other peoples blogs, I want to write on mine! And I'm quite sure they don't want my shite comments on their blogs either! I read somewhere you should "invent a term". So I did. Blog Hole! That's a brilliant term, I thought. Inspired. But has it worked? LOL. Proof that you shouldn't believe what you read on blogs. Proof that nobody's writing for the community, instead just regurgitating the same old myths. I read yesterday that the emporer's got some new togs. Wow, must check those out then!

So anyway for the time being, looks like my prejudgements about blogs seem to be entirely justified and I'm beginning to realise why there are so many Get Rich Quick blogs out there. Because blogs, like their incestual counterparts, GRQ schemes are doomed to failure.

Believe it or not, this is actually a Get Rich Quick Blog and therefore, by definition, is also doomed to failure.

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