April 30, 2009

Writing For The Community (sic.)

Before we (that's the Royal We of course, because nobody's reading!) go any further with this experiment, I'd.. em, I mean, we'd.. better make a short disclaimer!

This is not a Get Rich Quick blog or scheme. At least, not in the same capacity that they already abundantly exist.

It's an experiment. It's an experiment as much to do with blogging as it is to do with getting rich. And even if it might occasionally brush with the topic of getting rich it's most certainly got nothing to do with getting rich quickly!

I hate Get Rich Quick blogs and I hate the classic Get Rich Quick schemes.

But I needed to get this pointed out early, because with tags like "Get Rich" and "Millionaire" I'm intensely aware of the risk of encouraging the wrong people to become none-readers. As a blogging noob, this is a bit of a challenge, because "Ex-Leper" is nevertheless very much to do with getting rich and becoming a millionaire albeit in an entertaining style, so I'd be foolish to avoid such tags.

So who is my target group? What sort of people should not be not reading this blog? Easy answer: Everybody!

Of course, the approximate theme here is money and (me) getting rich, but, as I've also mentioned, not least of all it's an experiment in blogging. So it's also about blogs themselves and about anybody who writes one (it would be about people who read them too, but I've already established that nobody reads blogs, which sort of screws that idea a bit). But most of all, like any blog it's about it's author. It's about me, me, me with a capital index finger (or thumb, depending on your body language). It's about attention and acclaim, about being better than the next man. It's about self-indulgence and hedonism and make no mistake about it, if nothing else, it's about an undisputed barm cake!

Don't believe any blogger who tells you he's writing his blog "For the community"! LMAO! If that was the case, why would any blogger worry about being stuck in a Blog Hole?!? There are countless blogs out there telling you how to run a successful blog. Probably there are even how to run successful How To Run A Successful Blog blogs. And why? Because every blogger wants to be noticed of course. Every blogger yearns for that warm fuzzy feeling that (I expect) arises from seeing dozens, hundreds, thousands or most certainly tens of thousands of visitors drop by and pat you on the back and tell you how fantastic you are. That's fine, I mean, bloggers are only human after all, but "For the community"? Come on please; we all love attention, it's nothing to be ashamed of, so admit it! And I'm first in the queue - Blog Holes are lonely places.

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